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AnninGlos Report 30 Apr 2021 15:26

Yes Joan I have lost count of the number of times I have said "what on earth did he want this (these) for" And there is a large plastic two tier divided box about A4 size which is absolutely full of screws, yet every time he did a job he had to buy a packet of screws. I could have a side line selling screws.

Well, hair cut tomorrow all being well (don't want to jinx it!) so looking forward to having this lot cut off.

I have just been watering the greenhouse and conservatory, getting to be a full time job now there is only me. I was so pleased to see the rain yesterday and this morning.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 30 Apr 2021 16:28

I am trying to get OH to radically thin out his garage as well Ann. The other day he was sitting in the kitchen with newspaper on the worktop. When I asked him what he was doing, the answer was “ sorting out my screws” :-S. I think he actually threw some away as well


AnninGlos Report 30 Apr 2021 16:42

Probably because he got fed up with sorting them. Wherever I go in this house I find screws of all sizes.


Tawny Report 30 Apr 2021 20:30

Evening all, I’ve spent the day with my mother in law as 38 years ago today Mr Owls dad died of cancer at the age of 26. Mr Owl was 7 months old and she has readily admitted without Mr Owl she doesn’t know how she would have coped.

On a better note Mr Owl and I have booked an outdoor table at a pub tomorrow for a couple of drinks. We can have the table for 90 minutes uninterrupted and longer if nobody else needs it. We haven’t been out for a drink since our trip to Ludlow last year so looking forward to it.

Dinner with the in-laws on Monday planned as well At TGI Fridays my mother in law’s favourite restaurant at the moment.

Still hunting for a job but Mr Owl has a new job. Basic salary is almost the same but he gets an allowance to hire a car over and above his salary. The previous job had a company car and the payment was taken off his salary. This time he also gets bonus three times a year too so we won’t notice the absence of my salary.

My flat is absolute chaos but until my bedroom and my spare bedroom are finished it will remain that way. I want my flat back but my 70 year old father in law is a joiner to trade and still thinks he can do it all. As he is also running a training company my flat is taking a backseat and Mr Owl doesn’t want to upset his stepdad by getting someone else to do it. Mr Owls stepdad has raised him since he was 6 years old and is his dad in every way that matters.


AnninGlos Report 1 May 2021 06:56

Tawny, oh that was a young age to die and leaving a 7 month old baby too. How tragic. But good that Mr Owls mum met somebody else and Mr Owl had a good step dad to help bring him up. Pleased to hear that he has got a new job, hope it all works out well for him. And enjoy your drink out this evening.

I am looking forward to getting my hair cut, it is so long and out of control. I guess I am going to feel 'light headed' and cold around the neck though.
A nice bright morning here but still only 1 degree, but then it is early yet.


Tawny Report 1 May 2021 11:11

A hair cut is exciting Ann as they difficult to get.

It is now 8 degrees here and dry which is the best we can hope for.


JustGinnie Report 1 May 2021 11:41

Morning all. still a bit chilly here but dry. OH has gone to the allotment for a while and I have some ironing to do.

AnnG, I had my hair cut last week and it was so nice to not have my hair tied back . I have never had long hair and it was annoying me. Glad to be back to normal again. My hairdresser hasn't put up her prices either but I did give her a good tip as it took longer than usual.

I finally whittled the death record of a Gt Granddad down to 2 and was lucky in I chose the right cert to order. Now I know a bit more and also know that the informant was still alive when I thought he had died before his dad. Now to find his death .



Tawny Report 1 May 2021 18:04

Hello all, Back in after three pints as we only had our table at the pub for 90 minutes and it was nice going to a pub again even if we were outside. It reached a high of 10 degrees so most people were in trousers and jackets but there was one person in shorts.

I’m on a website for name nerds and someone else likes a name I’m crushing on at the moment. I’m pleased as most people are at the most indifferent to the names I like. The name was Amyas.

We have had to split my brownie into two as only 15 people have been able to meet up outside. We can now have the whole unit together again as we’ve now had the go ahead for 30 people as long as it’s a youth group to meet up outside. The girls were so excited when we told them. It also means our young leaders can help us again. They are both in that awkward stage between 14 and 17 so old enough for the brownies to look up to and possibly admire but because they are under 18 they count as children.


Florence61 Report 4 May 2021 22:52

Evening peeps. Hope all is well with everyone.
i have been driving back and forth taking over boxes etc and have filled some of the cupboards so getting there.
Off to hospital for my steroid jags into my thighs. Cant wait as the old jags wore off a month ago and i am in terrible pain so hoping by the weekend i shall be back to normal!

This afternoon, it was snowing and pouring hailstones. 2 degrees and absolutely freezing. It has melted which Im glad for but oh my heating been on several times tonight.
Just when you think Spring is here and then the winter returns.
heres hoping the snow will soon be away and warmer days are coming.

Take care all
Florence in the hebrides

Just remembered something funny to make you all laugh at my expense.
This afternoon over at the new house, i was looking out the kitchen window admiring the view. In the distance i could see a man bending down and getting up. I asked daughter, "what do you think that man is doing?". She replied, " Mum, that isnt a man, its a horse." I think you need a trip to I have been laughing all evening and cant believe what i said!!


AnninGlos Report 5 May 2021 06:38

Florence, chuckling at your horse man""

I have a similar story, we were at the start of an American holiday and our first night was in a hotel in Atlanta. our window overlooked a town square with water and seats around the square overlooking the water. With jet lag we were both up at several times in the night and around 3am I spotted a man sitting on one of the seats looking at the water, he was there two hours later and again when we got up. I thought the poor man must be homeless. When we walked that way layer he was still there ---- he was a statue but so realistic from a distance in our half asleep/awake state he looked very real.
Had a good sleep but awake very early, a bright morning 2 degrees, yesterday was actually dry until about 6pm wonder what 'spring' weather we will get today. Like you Florence I wish it would warm up a bit.
Well done with getting your stuff moved I have forgotten, when is moving day?


nameslessone Report 5 May 2021 09:56

I have found reading about sorting out the tool etc highly amusing and am not looking forward to it if life turns out that way.

But I have had to go through my shoe ‘collection’. Due to a problem with one of my feet I have had to go through all my shoes. Having found one comfortable pair I discovered it was split and falling apart after one wear. Found a comfortable pair to wear to the hospital but found the sole had split, hurriedly found another pair but found I was leaving a trail of disintegrating heel all round the hospital.
Then thought my walking shoes would be comfy, they,ve split. So I’ve thrown out about 5 pairs of comfy shoes and donated a pair I’ve never worn.

Bought a pair on line, they didn’t fit. Bought another pair from a well known shoe shop, they were ok for a couple of days but now have massive blisters on both heels.

Fingers crossed that the next shoe delivery fits.


Florence61 Report 5 May 2021 13:11

Ann your tale made me laugh too.
We are leaving this house on 31 may.Hiring a Luton Van on Fri 28th may so have the whole weekend to empty the house.
New sofas and fridge freezer being delivered direct so that helps.
We have managed to sell quite a lot of things which has amazed me and the money my daughter and I will share as it was both our things we sold.

Just back from the hospital.Had my jags so a bit sore but was told,cannot have anymore injections because it will tear my tendons and I will be permanently disabled and on crutches!

These steroid jags also relieved my sinus problems so now without I shall be on s box of tissues s day...ufn
Because of my Asthma,I can't take painkillers or anti inflammatory s so now I'm quite upset re my future.
He referred me to physio so shall wait and see what they say.

Freezing here and just had another hail/heavy sleety rain shower.So heating on and a cuppa needed to warm up.

Florence 8n the Hebrides


**Ann** Report 5 May 2021 13:18

Really cold and miserable here in North Wales, we even had some snow last night
:-0 :-0

Hailstones now :-0 :-0

Stay warm everyone <3


Florence61 Report 8 May 2021 17:58

Pouring hard here and freezing cold!

Just busy tripping back and forth with boxes

Florence in the Hebrides


Florence61 Report 9 May 2021 17:11

Why won't it stop raining??I made 2 trips today.Each one is 45 mins each way.Unloading car and getting soaked isn't my idea of enjoyment!!!
Have one packet of puff pastry in freezer I need to use.Anybidy got a good suggestion not containing meat? I was thinking of making some apple puffs but can't think of much else.

Having a well earned cuppa and can now see the floor in my bedroom and

Enjoy your Sunday

Florence in the hebrides


Tawny Report 11 May 2021 12:06

That’s sad Dermot. It seems he started the Apostrophe Protection Society in 2001 hoping to find six people who felt like he did. Within the first month he had over 500 people who felt that way.

Sitting in my local park right now. Having just been to the shop I felt like taking the slow route home. It is 16 degrees and absolutely glorious sitting here. Once I’ve finally decided to drop the shopping home I think I’ll head back over to the park and maybe onto the canal. With the park 20m from my front door it really is on my doorstep.


JoyLouise Report 11 May 2021 12:23

It's a grand day here too. :-D

Dermot, poor John! It all went belly-up for him when the powers-that-be could not get their heads around apostrophes or thought that the public couldn't use them properly, so they decided to abolish them on street names. Shame on them! :-(


**Ann** Report 11 May 2021 12:40

Morning everyone :-D <3

Not bad weather here as yet..a few showers. Am waiting for Samsung engineer to call as my washing machine is a bit poorly
:-0 :-0

Have a good day everyone


Florence61 Report 11 May 2021 12:53

Good afternoon all
Well after a warm day yesterday, the clouds came and so has the rain. I put out a line of towels first thing but then about an hour later, sky clouded over and im glad i took them in as it poured hard!!So weather here back to normal.

Car went for its service yesterday and they rang at 3.30. Not quite the news i wanted. A sill needs to be welded and repaired otherwise will fail MOT next month.A bush also needs replacing. So more expense along with everything else but i need the car and simply cannot afford to buy another one this year.
If it will last me one more year, then i will have to save my pennies by living on beans on

My lounge is now beginning to look very bare but tidier and when car comes back thursday, another load of boxes will go.

Joan its shortcrust pastry not puff so i may make an apple pie or something similar and of course ill have to eat up the few cornettos and magnums that are lurking still in the freezer!

Well Id better crack on doing change of addresses, the list is never ending but at least many i can do by email or text, its just so time consuming.

Have a good day all.
Tawny, enjoy your time in the park, sounds lovely.

Ann, hope you get your washing machine sorted

Florence in the hebrides


**Ann** Report 12 May 2021 12:41

Samsung arrived and as I thought Twas the will have to put the part on order! Well I said I hope I won’t be put back in the queue for another 2 weeks waiting for it to be fitted :-0 :-0 :-0

Trying to brighten up here after two horrendous thunderstorms last night :-0 :-0

Have a lovely day everyone :-D <3