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YG Report 14 Dec 2009 21:34

Where is everybody!! Still busy wrapping pressies, writing cards, cleaning, cooking!!!

Christmas has a lot to answer for!!

And here am I sitting with my feet up!!

No cards written, no pressies wrapped, no cooking done!!!

Ok, ok, I've done the cleaning and that deserves rest time!!


RockyMountainShy Report 14 Dec 2009 21:41

Ok, I think I'm legally frozen now !

*England is only minus 4 maybe I'll go there to thaw out*


YG Report 14 Dec 2009 21:44

But it's getting colder by the day!!


RockyMountainShy Report 14 Dec 2009 21:49

HMM 4 in Bristol 4 in London and rain, 5 in Manchester HHMMM


YG Report 14 Dec 2009 22:09

Heavy snow this weekend!!


RockyMountainShy Report 14 Dec 2009 22:25

what 2 inches ! :_)))))))))p


AuntySherlock Report 14 Dec 2009 22:26

Hi RMS and YG. I'm sitting here in short sleeves and a skirt, sandals on my feet. Aircon going in the next office. Outside the sun is brightly shining and there is a fairly stiff breeze blowing. Tomorrow it will be even hotter, about 39 degrees. I should send some of this heat your way but I'd hate to spoil all your lovely traditional Christmas festivities. Closed roads, bogged in snow, sliding on ice, broken pipes, no heating, shovelling snow drifts, if you get my drift.

By the way. I have made my pudding. Full stop. That's it. Will be very busy towards the end of this week.


RockyMountainShy Report 14 Dec 2009 22:32

You can keep your heat WHO NEEDS IT Phahhhh

the rest I can handle *true Canadian here* but the cold that comes from Alaska is to much !!!

Our tree is sulking in the carport with the car in the cold.


Mazfromnorf Report 15 Dec 2009 06:14

morning all not to bad here yet


LaGooner Report 15 Dec 2009 11:29

Morning all.


AuntySherlock Report 15 Dec 2009 11:35

Taking the Ark out for a row are we LG!! So tired of work. Spent the whole day in meetings. Brain dead, and that happens very easily as the brain atrophies with old age.

DET you could try chaining the OH to the stove. Mine is actually complaining he is running out of ideas for the evening meal. Wonder if a cooking book for Christmas might be the way to go.

OK so yes I do wish to keep living.

Must see if I can find the tree in the shed in the next week or so.


LaGooner Report 15 Dec 2009 11:40

I am so shattered we have my little Grandaughter Ava in hospital with a severe virul infection in her chest. I have not slept a wink as she has been in since noon yesterday and had a really bad night,poor little soul is on oxygen and steroids. I have just got back from visiting her and giving her her special Nanna cuddle. We have got Baby Emily here so I am busy babysitting too. Feeling really down at the moment so will sign off for now but maybe back on later. Hopefully she may be allowed home later fingers crossed everyone please X


Mazfromnorf Report 15 Dec 2009 14:10

hope Ava gets better soon LG she is in the best place ,i have a family nativity service later to take just hope all perform well joseph has gone on strike


YG Report 15 Dec 2009 18:34

I'm so sorry to hear about Ava, bless her.

It is a huge worry, I know. We nearly lost eldest gdaughter at 10 days old, but as DET says, they are much stronger than we think and I am sure she will rally round very quickly.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 15 Dec 2009 18:57

LG, I'm so sorry to hear about Ava, poor little soul. I hope she picks up quickly.


AuntySherlock Report 15 Dec 2009 19:58

And there is also nothing worse than a stressed out Grandma. Rest yourself woman. Have some nanna naps or bubby zuzzes. You aren't doing either yourself or your family any good if you stretch yourself to the limit. You can still worry, but do it while you are resting.

Joseph on strike. Oh heavens first the posties, then British Airways and now Joseph. Just remind him this opportunity only comes once a year. If he muffs this one he has a whole twelve months to wait until he is in the limelight again. He will really kick himself, and so will you!!!


RockyMountainShy Report 15 Dec 2009 21:51

Joseph is on strike eh, Can Mary talk to him she'll strengthen him out fast.

LaGooner, sorry to hear about you granddaughter, hope she gets better soon.


"Environment Canada has continued their snowfall warning for parts of our region to expect up to 20cm more by Wednesday night. A series of pacific frontal systems will spread heavy snow to the southern sections of the British Columbia interior."


YG Report 15 Dec 2009 22:04

Is that anywhere near Britannia Beach RMS? My friend could be snowed in!!


RockyMountainShy Report 15 Dec 2009 22:17

182 miles away, just looked it up, it's on the coast 27 miles north of Vancouver they usually just get rain over there.

Nice looking little subdivesion though

35 miles from the Olympics


YG Report 15 Dec 2009 22:24

What!! Canada, and no snow!!!!