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Looking for my Half sister

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Karen Report 9 Oct 2011 19:16

My Dad died last year and I have been told that he fathered a little girl before he met my mum. She is approx 46/47 and apparently her mother was the daughter of a policeman that lived at the back of Bolton Road Radcliffe, Manchester. I dont know her name, but my dads name must be on her birth certificate. He paid a court order for her up to her being 16 years old. I dont think for one minute she would have taken his name so I am not sure how to search for her.

My Dad lived with his parents in a ChipShop on Bolton Rd Radcliffe his name was David Ogden.

The only details I have are what have been given to me by people who knew about the little girl at the time.

For his own reasons my Dad never told me anything about her.

Any advice or help would be appreciated.


Flick Report 9 Oct 2011 22:02

The fact that your father apparently paid maintenance for the child is no indication that his name is on her birth certificate

I'm unsure as to why Sappho has suggested using your mother's maiden name in your's totally irrelevant

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 9 Oct 2011 22:19

Figure out what " back of Bolton Road Radcliffe, Manchester" means and look at old electoral registers in the nearest library. These are only searchable by address. Get some of those surnames and then start looking for births where the mother's maiden name is the same as the child's surname.


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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 9 Oct 2011 22:21


You said "try a search of names using your mother's maiden name "

That won't help because the child has a different mother to Karen.



Kay???? Report 9 Oct 2011 22:24

Karens mothers maiden name is unconnected with this issue.she wasnt the woman concerned,


Karen Report 9 Oct 2011 22:26

Thanks Rose I suppose in those days too the Mothers father could have been living in a police house. I will try the electoral register route.


FAIRTHORN Report 10 Oct 2011 02:49

Radcliffe Police Station
Railway St, Radcliffe, Manchester , M26 3AA

Bolton Road is just up the road from the Police Station


As a very last resort, you could pick the below's brains as he could perhaps know the history of Radcliffe Police Station & its earlier 1960's staff.



Ru Report 10 Oct 2011 05:51

Hi Rose/Kay???,

Sorry - you are right of course - mothers are unconnected. I said it was a hard one and I made a mistake.

And Flick - it is irrelevant!




Battenburg Report 10 Oct 2011 13:23

Have you looked on this site for your dads name. It might be your half sister has added his name to her tree

See if anyone you don't know has him and if there is ask her how she is related


Kay???? Report 10 Oct 2011 13:35

No problem Sappho a simple mis-read we all make,,,dont we %3B-%29


Ru Report 10 Oct 2011 21:55

Thanks Kay,

I just did not 'think', but you have been nice about it. I does cause problems when someone tries to give incorrect input so I feel I have egg on my face and it is free range of course!!

I meant well as you all know.

Good points here though.

Thanks again Kay.
