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'Emma' Report 3 Aug 2019 19:47

Started reading Madeleine by Kate McCann but
Could not get into it.
Just about finished reading The Last Tudor by Philippa Gregory,
how cruel and heartless Elizabeth1 was to her cousins
Lady Jane Grey, Lady Katherine and Lady Mary among others.
Have just purchased for my kindle Children of Nazis by Tania
Crasniaski and Molly Grogan. Am interested on how the children
coped if they did at all once they learnt what their fathers had done.


Tawny Report 3 Aug 2019 19:22

Having read Alison Weir’s books Katherine Swynford-The Story of John of Gaunt and his Scandalous Duchess and Elizabeth of York-The First Tudor Queen and thoroughly enjoying both I am now reading another of hers. I decided for book three I would read Alison Weir’s book Mary Queen of Scots and The Murder of Lord Darnley. Another non fiction book which looks not just at the murder but the political climate of the time.


Magpye Report 2 Aug 2019 09:46

She was certainly a strange lady Vera, hygiene wasn't one of her strong points!! But you're right, she was treated shamefully, so it will be interesting to see what sort of slant is put on this account! I feel sorry for all these ladies but I think the one I feel for the most is Katherine of Aragon; being put aside so brutally after years of being a much loved and respected wife was truly shocking and very cruel. If only one of those boy babies had lived!!!


SuffolkVera Report 1 Aug 2019 21:25

That sounds an interesting one Pippyn. I might try and get that to see that author's views on Caroline of Brunswick. I didn't know much about her till a couple of years ago I picked up a book called Rebel Queen which is about Caroline. She's often shown as pretty shameless and awful and she was certainly no saint, but my book also shows that she was really badly treated. I'd be interested to see how a different author portrays her.


Magpye Report 30 Jul 2019 18:53

At the moment I'm reading 'The trials of five queens. Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Mary, Queen of Scots, Marie Antoinette, Caroline of Brunswick' by R.Storey Deans. It's on my kindle. I either buy, or borrow from the kindle library which is very useful as our public library closed and people have to travel quite a way to the nearest one. I've only just begun it, but it seems promising!!


SuffolkVera Report 19 Jul 2019 15:25

I've been reading the Stephen Fry autobiographies "Moab Is My Washpot" and "The Fry Chronicles". At first I thought I wasn't going to get on with them at all but I persevered and in the end I did enjoy reading of his life. He doesn't mince his words and the language is a bit near the knuckle sometimes so you need to read them with a broad, open mind. He seems to have been almost brutally honest when writing the books and comes across as an unpleasant child and teenager and says himself he was a liar, cheat and thief but he appears to have made good in the end. The writing style is very Stephen Fry - why use two words if you can use twenty?

I've also read a book written by John Simpson in, I think, 2000. It's called "A Mad World, My Masters" and is a sort of tour of the places he's been in his news gathering and reporting, the characters he has met and the dangerous, moving and funny situations he has encountered. Took me a while to get in to it but then I found it thoroughly enjoyable.


Kucinta Report 17 Jun 2019 19:18

Anna of Kleve is the latest Alison Weir novel in the series on the 6 wives of HenryVlII. It can be quite interesting seeing what she does with the wives in her novels, as opposed to the non fiction book she wrote about all 6. With the fiction, they get a book each.


SuffolkVera Report 16 Jun 2019 19:51

They sound interesting Kucinta. More to add to my “to be read” list %3A-%29


Kucinta Report 16 Jun 2019 18:50

Started reading novels that retell Greek myths from the point of view of the female characters rather than the male. Am halfway through Madelaine Miller's Circe, and have also downloaded The Children of Jocasta by Natalie Haynes. If l enjoy the latter, then l might try her latest, A Thousand Ships. Might also try The Silence of the Girls, by Pat Barker. Have been inspired by a friend, l have to admit.


SuffolkVera Report 13 May 2019 15:32

I eventually finished Alison Weir’s book “Queens of the Conquest”. I enjoyed it very much but I will have to re-read it several times to take it all in. It is so full of facts and dates and people that it is quite dense.

I have also just read another of her books called “Innocent Traitor”. This is fiction but based on fact and is much easier going - it’s a bit like Philippa Gregory in style. It’s the story of Lady Jane Grey from her birth to her death. Although I knew her story I don’t think it registered with me before how very young she was. She was only 16 when she was executed.

A good read and I will look out for other historical novels by this author


'Emma' Report 6 May 2019 12:08

Started reading Blood Feud: Mary Queen of Scots
and the Earl of Moray by Steven Veerapen.

The Earl believed he should have been King of Scotland
but he was illegitimate.
It is said that the Earl was the first person assassinated
by a gun.


'Emma' Report 17 Apr 2019 15:49

Now reading Dirty Darlings by Catherine Chagra.

Catherine and her two sisters Cindy and Christa were the
darling daughters of Jimmy Chagra the biggest Pot Dealer
in the history of USA.

One of the Kingpins of Las Vegas Casinos of the 1970s.
But after he was arrested and his 100 Million Dollars had
disappeared they were left penniless at the mercy of Texas
Society that vilified them.

True story of how they survived although family and friends did not help them.


SuffolkVera Report 13 Apr 2019 16:10

Welcome to the thread Ruby. We would love to hear about the authors and books you enjoy.

My tastes are much like DetEcTive’s but a well-researched historical romance makes a change now and then. In fact, I think the book I am reading at the moment comes into that category. It’s “A Time of Singing” by Elizabeth Chadwick. It is fiction but based on a true story of Ida de Tosney, mistress of Henry 11, and Roger Bigod who later becomes her husband. I am about half way through so far and enjoying it very much.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Apr 2019 14:54

Ruby, why not mention a few of your favourite authors? We’re all interested in something ‘new’ to look out for.

Although my preferences tend to lie with detective/murder-mystery style novels, the occasional well crafted historical romance can appeal.


Rubygem Report 12 Apr 2019 23:39

My kindle and e-reader is loaded up with Highlander romance books besides Regency romance %26lt%3B3...oh don't you just %26lt%3B3 abit of romance %3A-D


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Apr 2019 10:09

Mercy by Jussi Adler-Olsen (2007)

This is a novel originally written on Danish.
It concerns homicide detective Carl Morck who is suffering from Survivors Syndrome. He escaped unscathed from an unprovoked shooting while one friend & colleague was killed & another paralysed from the neck down.

Although a brilliant detective, no one else will work with him. He is consigned to the basement to head a new cold case department helped only by Assad, a civilian Syrian with refugee status. There’s more to Assad than meets the eye. Hopefully later books will tell more of his history.

Carl’s first case is the disappearance of (f) Merete Lynggaard, an up & coming young politician, who vanished five years ago. Everyone says she's dead. Everyone says it's a waste of time. He thinks they're right.

The narrative switches between 2002 & 2007 with insights into her childhood.

This book was serialised on BBC4 with Danish subtitles. I got a bit lost while watching - May be the dramatisation had to be edited or I’d gone to put the kettle on. The book filled in the gaps.

No 2 in the series is waiting to be read!


AnninGlos Report 6 Apr 2019 15:51

I finished reading the Ghost Tree, I Liked it a lot although at times, because many of the characters were from real life, I had to stop and remind myself that it was not a non fiction book, it was a story woven around those characters. As usual for her books, very well researched and well written.

I am now reading The Moon Sister the next book in the series of the Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley. I have loved all the others, this one is over 700 pages long so a large book to hold.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Apr 2019 15:15

Homes, a refugee story by Abu Bakr al Rabeeah & Winnie Yeung

In 2010, the al Rabeeah family left their home in Iraq in hope of a safer life. They moved to Homs, in Syria — just before the Syrian civil war broke out.
Abu Bakr, one of eight children, was ten years old when the violence began on the streets around him: car bombings, attacks on his mosque and school, firebombs late at night. Homes tells of the strange juxtapositions of growing up in a war zone: horrific, unimaginable events punctuated by normalcy — soccer, cousins, video games, friends.

Homes is the remarkable true story of how a young boy emerged from a war zone — and found safety in Canada — with a passion for sharing his story and telling the world what is truly happening in Syria.

It’s not ‘do gooder’s’ attempt to tug at the heart strings, nor a narrative of the political causes behind the conflict. It’s an honest account of everyday life as it effected a young boy & his family. The co-author was his Canadian ESL teacher.
They’d left Iraq because of the discrimination against Sunni Muslims.

What struck me most was the description of Abu’s father. He’d been the organiser & provider in Iraq & Syria. In Canada he found it difficult to find a job while he struggled to learn English. From the way he’s presented, given time, he’ll bounce back.


AnninGlos Report 3 Apr 2019 17:02

Thanks Det, having it on kindle means searching for author's notes. I am 70% through now and still enjoying it.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Apr 2019 00:04

According to the Authors Notes, Barbara Erskine is Thomas Erskines grt x 5 granddaughter through his daughter, Frances.

Couldn’t put it down!