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What Book or Kindle Book are you reading ??

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TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 7 May 2016 22:57

Thanks DET, J.D.Robb is the name I had at the back of my mind. A little bit more Science Fiction. I think.
I have read some of the Lindsey Davis Falcon books, whenever I have been able to get them from a charity shop.
At the moment though I have a few books waiting GI be read. Including three for the Greaders group. Yes, I am rather late with one of my reviews (The Stonecutter) which I began earlier today. I reviewed The Quality of Silence a few hours ago.

Went to the library this morning to return. Couple of books and for the first time in a long while, I didn't come away with any new ones.
I keep distracting myself with library books that have yo be returned within four weeks.
Feel so lucky that we still have, despite cut backs, a library service. %3A-%29


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 May 2016 19:25

Possibly Tess

"Nora Roberts is a great thriller writer who also creates novels under the pen name J.D. Robb"

Apparently she's also written under the names Jill March & Sara Hardesty.
From what various sites say, she's chosen different names for different genre.

We were glued to Montalbano when it was on TV, even the Young Montalbano series! Having seen those, it would be distracting reading the books they were based on. We have even considered having a holiday is Sicilly after seeing the stunning scenery.

Thinking of the Inspector Morse books by Colin Dexter. Not only does he come over as an alcoholic, he also a randy so and so, and not just towards women in his own age group!

OH has a passion for 2 book series - Terry Pratchetts Disc World, and Lindsey Davis's Falco. He thinks he's missing a couple of those. The new series featuring Flavia Albia is coming along. The Graveyard of the Hesperides will be published this year.
I think I may have heard an interview with the author a number of years ago and realised he was a she!


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 7 May 2016 17:15

Am I getting confused, or does Nora Roberts wrote books of a different genre under another. name.??

Also I thought that Lindsey Davis was/is a man. Will have go check that out sometime. Although yes, murder/detective novels are often written by women.

I have been reading recently, I find that hard backs take longer go read than paperbacks, because I need to give my hand and wrist frequent rests if reading heavy hard backs.

Many of the books I 'be read have Ben ones on Ann's GReaders thread. Have a look there for any comments.
However, I have also read. Excursion to Tindari. by Andrea Camilleri (An Inspector Montalbano story).
Enjoyed the book, but because I watched the serieson t.v. I couldn't give my imagination full reign. Still a big Montalbano fan though, both the written word and the t.v. series edition.

But Catarella. is still my favourite.!

Also read. The Book Thief, by Marcus Z. Shops can't remember the surname and can't read my writing

I believe that this book has been made into a fim, but haven't seen it or heard from anyone who has.

A big story, told in small personal way. Set in Germany during WW11 THE Book Thief. of the title goes to live with strangers as a child. Her mother is unable to care for her and her brother and her father had"disappeared,". because of his communist beliefs.
A story of deprivation, tough love, kindness and bravery. Botheration, I am having another senior moment and can't remember the names of the main characters.
The narrator of the story is death, but don't let his put you off, it is just another way of being a fly-on-the-wall.
The kindness of strangers under very difficult circumstances is very moving. While this small "new family" is trying to survive, even n just a day to dsy fashion, horrific things are going on around them.
Well worth a read, not at all nationalistic, no real discussion of the changing. frontiers or the 'big picture'. just a story of people caught up in it all.

Well worth a read, I may even watch the film if I get the chance.
By the way, I have already taken the books back yo the library, so couldn't check out the names of the people involved.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 May 2016 10:30

Has no one been reading recently?

I’d wanted to add this to Amazon Reviews, except the function doesn’t seem to be working.

The Man behind the Mask by Lorrie Bannett is a ‘Cozy Mystery’. Although its too lightweight for me, it occupied an hour or two.

Children are being Kidnapped. The police have no clues. Enter FBI Agent Melissa Cavez. The plot was OK although the main character did seem to walk away with the case only half solved. She had to watch TV reports to see the other gang member identified and arrested.

One thing which the author could do is to have someone proof read the book. Despite spellings being mainly correct, Capitalisation wasn’t. new Yorkers instead of New Yorkers. detective mark banner instead of Detective Mark Banner. When Detective or Agent is used as a title, they should be capitalised. A minor gripe, but one which spoilt the reading experience. Blame the automatic Spell Checker!

The Kindle Oasis has had some good reviews but, like others have said, at £270 its far to expensive. I'll stick to my ancient version thank you.


AnninGlos Report 18 Apr 2016 22:35

I do like Lucinda Riley and enjoyed The Midnight Rose.


SuffolkVera Report 17 Apr 2016 18:54

Think I'll stick with my basic kindle thanks!

I read a Nora Roberts book a long while ago and decided she wasn't the author for me. Over the last 35 years or so she has written well over 200 books. I think anyone who churns them out at that rate must get predictable and cliched, but she does seem to be popular.

I'm about to start The Midnight Rose by Lucinda Riley. A friend recommended it. I have to admit she is another author I have tended to avoid which is a bit unfair as I've never read any of her books, so I thought I would give it a go.

I've been reading a few detective/crime novels, all good in their own way if you like the genre - a Falco book by Lindsey Davis, a Vera Stanhope book by Anne Cleves and an Inspector Lynley book by Elizabeth George. It struck me that a lot of crime/detection writers are women. I wonder what that says about the female psyche? %3A-D


Stephen Report 17 Apr 2016 16:28

Have you seen the new Kindle Oasis? Nice, but £270!!!


Stephen Report 17 Apr 2016 16:25

Finished Whiskey Beach by Nora Roberts.

A good but totally predictable murder mystery/love story with no unexpected twists or turns and with an obvious ending.

I don't think I'd rush to read another of hers to be honest.

Next, The Wreckage by Michael Robotham.

"Two seemingly unrelated stories collide in unexpected ways.
Baghdad - Journalist Luca Terracini is living outside the wire and investigating a series of deadly million-dollar bank robberies but he's about to make some powerful enemies who seek to bury secrets and manipulate the truth, regardless of the cost.
London - A thousand miles away, ex-cop Vincent Ruiz rescues a young woman, Holly Knight, from a violent boyfriend but wakes next morning to find that she's robbed him. It was an elaborate scam. Furious at himself, and at her, he sets off to find Holly."


AnninGlos Report 24 Mar 2016 20:04

No I don't think so the battery would run down very fast. I think it is ok now we have done the update. %3A-D


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Mar 2016 17:49

Perhaps we ought to leave the wi-fi on? I normally have it 'off' unless downloading to save the battery life.


AnninGlos Report 24 Mar 2016 17:14

The strange thing is that I didn't get the message to say it was downloaded so I checked which version I needed and it was done. Then I closed the Kindle. A few days later I downloaded a host of free books, then closed the kindle (I am reading a paperback at the moment). Yesterday I opened the kindle to look at something and it immediately downloaded the message to say the update was done. (about a week after doing it.)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Mar 2016 16:49

Thank goodness you've sorted that out Vera. No idea what version mine is, but probably 2nd generation.

I'm near the end of a free-bee download at the moment and will start the CoSt M's next


SuffolkVera Report 24 Mar 2016 16:06

That sounds an interesting book Mersey.

After all the kerfuffle my kindle didn't need updating!

I left it plugged in for 24 hours but didn't get the message that says I had successfully downloaded. I tried it out by downloading a free book and that appeared on the kindle immediately. A bit puzzled I checked the Amazon instructions again. It is not terribly clear on the website but I had misread it. I thought it was saying if I had version 4.1.3 I needed to update, but it was saying if I had a 4th or 5th generation kindle I needed 4.1.3 or higher for it to go on operating. As I already had that version I didn't need to do anything %3A-D

DetEcTive, I am sure you will enjoy What Could Possibly Go Wrong. I'm just waiting for the latest book in the series to come down a bit in price before downloading it.

EDITED to correct book name


Mersey Report 24 Mar 2016 08:41

I am reading Finding Tipperary Mary by Phylis Whitsell (Author) Barbara Fisher....

Not long started and cannot put it down......

The astonishing real story of a daughter’s search for her own past ¨C and the desperate mother who gave her up .

The astonishing real story of a daughter's search for her own past and the desperate mother who gave her up 'I lit the candle and prayed for my birth mother, asking God to take care of her. It was as if I had made some kind of connection with her. Even at such a young age, I found it difficult to understand, but I always feared that she was in danger and needed my prayers. It was the only thing at the time that I could do for her. I feared that she might be coming to some harm and that she was not happy, but I was helpless and had nobody to talk to about my feelings. The only thing at that time was to pray that her guardian angel would take care of her and keep her from harm. Phyllis Whitsell began the search for her birth mother as a young woman and although it was many years before she finally met her, their lives had crossed on the journey without their knowledge. When they both eventually sat down together the circumstances were extraordinary, moving and ultimately life-changing. This is a daughter's personal account of the remarkable relationship that grew from abandonment into love, understanding and selfless care.


Mersey Report 24 Mar 2016 08:36

Good morning Vera did you manage to get it sorted??? %3A-%29



SuffolkVera Report 22 Mar 2016 10:32

Oh help! I saw Ann's post on 10 March, thought I must look into that, and promptly forgot until I just saw DectEcTive's post. I checked my version which is 4.1.3 which is apparently one that needs updating ..... by today! I am hoping that by today means including today and I have plugged it all in and will leave it 24 hours and hope for the best, but I have a horrible feeling that the device is just charging and not doing anything else. If that's the case I am going to have to attempt the manual download.

I wonder why there hasn't been much publicity about this. There are an awful lot of kindle users out there who won't know anything about it %3A-%28


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Mar 2016 10:29

Oh! Only connected it via the wireless, which does link in to the router. The version is 4.1.2 - spotted that earlier.

Talk about confused.com!

I've just bought one of the new Chronicles of St Mary's books, "What could possibly go wrong" - now to see if that delivers.

Added - it downloaded


AnninGlos Report 22 Mar 2016 09:58

You have to be connected to WiFi not just the wireless of the Kindle. I made the mistake of not connecting to the Wifi.

I think somehwere there you can find customer services e mail address, I found it once before and they were very helpful.

Have you checked which update you are running? Somewhere in that blurb, one of the help places tells you where to check for the most recent. It could be that, if you have been on Wireless recently it has done it automatically, I think it should show 3.4.2 at the bottom of the screen when in settings.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Mar 2016 23:59

Done that. Nothing seems to happen. Daughter says to leave it connected to the wi-fi and it will do its own thing %3A-S


AnninGlos Report 21 Mar 2016 18:48

I don't know if this helps you.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Amazon.co.uk"
Date: 9 March 2016 at 16:51:22 GMT
Subject: Important update required for your Kindle e-reader

Dear customer,

Your Kindle Keyboard (3rd Generation) requires an important software update to continue downloading e-books and using Kindle services.

This important update applies to Kindle e-readers released prior to 2014. Visit our Help page for a complete list of impacted devices: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ku2016?ref_=deveng_eicert

Follow these steps to receive the update:

1. Plug your Kindle in to charge during the update.
2. Connect to Wi-Fi.
3. From the Home screen of your Kindle, select Menu or tap the Menu icon. Then choose Sync and Check for Items.
4. Leave your Kindle connected to both power and Wi-Fi overnight, or until the update is complete.

The software update will download and install automatically, even if your device is asleep. Your device may restart multiple times during the update process. You will get a final confirmation letter on your device when the update is complete, which can be found in your Kindle Library.

If you do not update the device software by March 22, 2016, you will no longer be able to access Kindle services or get the update via connecting to a wireless network. To resume access, you will need to manually update the software on your Kindle. Please visit our Help page for more details on how to update automatically: www.amazon.co.uk/ku2016?ref_=deveng_eicert


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