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13 Apr 2019 08:04 |
Good morning :-)
God is our refuge in times of trouble, keeping our feet steady upon the road, watching over us and keeping us from harm. Where does our help come from? Our help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth!
Cx :-)
12 Apr 2019 07:56 |
Good morning :-)
Thank you Vera, you're welcome :-D
Easter Reflections
With OUR EYES we see The beauty of Easter as the earth awakens once more...
With OUR EARS we hear The birds sing sweetly to tell us Spring again is here...
With OUR HANDS we pick the golden daffodils and the fragrant hyacinths...
But only with OUR HEARTS can we feel the MIRACLE of GOD'S LOVE which redeems all men...
And only with OUR SOUL can we make our 'pilgrimage to God' and inherit His Easter Gift of ETERNAL LIFE.
Cx :-)
11 Apr 2019 09:36 |
Food for thought in this week’s posts. Thank you Cynthia.
11 Apr 2019 08:21 |
Good morning :-)
It's a beautiful morning here - hope it is wherever you are too... :-D
Lent should be more than a time of fasting. It should also be a joyous season of feasting. Lent is a time to fast from certain things and to feast on others.
It is a season to turn to God:
Fast from anger; feast on patience. Fast from pessimism; feast on optimism. Fast from worry; feast on divine order. Fast from complaining; feast on appreciation. Fast from negatives: feast on affirmatives. Fast from unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing prayer.
Cx :-)
10 Apr 2019 07:58 |
Good morning :-)
Loving God, You have heard my complaints, my impatience. Sometimes I become frightened when I move away from you. Guide my heart back to you. Help me to think beyond my own wants and to desire only to do you will. Thank you for the many blessings in my life and for the ways I feel your presence. Amen
Cx :-)
9 Apr 2019 08:00 |
Good morning :-)
Thank you Emma <3
Browsing through various Lenten themes, I came across the following Spiritual Practices. We may not be able to do all of these things today, but there will be quite a few that we can do…… ..
a. Practice humility today in all your actions. b. Be generous today; help someone in need. c. Look for ways to be helpful throughout the day. d. Do a job that needs to be done without being asked. e. Be courageous; walk away from any impure situations today. f. Don’t be idle at all today. Always be doing something for others or for your spiritual growth. g. Go out of your way today to help or talk to someone who is usually difficult. h. Volunteer for an extra job today. i. Pray for those who come to know Jesus today. j. Visit someone who is sick or lonesome today.
Cx :-)
8 Apr 2019 13:06 |
Thank you again Cynthia for your posts. Always a daily visit for me x
8 Apr 2019 07:55 |
Good morning :-)
Almost through our Lenten journey.....
Help us today, O God, to examine the level of our faith - to look seriously at our resistance to talk about the Cross and about sacrifice; and to consider in prayer our reluctance to give up the things of this world - to risk our reputations, our comfort, and our security for the sake of following you - for the sake of witnessing to you - for the sake of obeying you. Amen.
Cx :-)
7 Apr 2019 08:04 |
Good morning :-)
I apologise for not appearing yesterday, but I was without internet - my laptop had an update which threw it out of kilter. Thanks to a kind tekkie friend, I am now sorted! :-D
The Collect (special prayer) for today
Most merciful God, who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ delivered and saved the world: grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross we may triumph in the power of his victory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The gospel tells of Mary anointing the feet of Jesus.
Cx :-)
5 Apr 2019 07:24 |
Good morning...... :-)
As we journey through Lent.....
I haven't got a lot of riches and sometimes the going's tough but I've got a friend in Jesus and that makes me rich enough I thank God for his blessings and the mercies he's bestowed I’m drinking from my saucer because my cup has overflowed
I remember times when things went wrong my faith wore somewhat thin but all at once the dark clouds broke and sun peeped through again so lord, help me not to gripe about the tough rows that I've hoed I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup has overflowed
If God gives me strength and courage when the way grows steep and rough I'll not ask for other blessings I'm already blessed enough and may I never be too busy to help others bear their loads then I'll keep drinking from my saucer " because my cup has overflowed!"
Cx :-)
4 Apr 2019 07:39 |
Good morning :-)
Loving and merciful God, I am so aware of my sins and weaknesses. But as painfully aware of my faults as I am, Let me also remember your tender love, your gentle and limitless forgiveness. I come before you filled with pain and guilt but look into your eyes and see the forgiving love I so long for in my life. Help me to forgive the same way. Teach me to love as you love. Amen.
Cx :-)
3 Apr 2019 08:04 |
Good morning :-)
Dear Vera, what a time you are having to be sure. I do hope that your brother's health improves soon. Thank you for the hug.....much appreciated... <3
Hot Cross buns.
A hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun made with currants or raisins and marked with a cross on the top, traditionally eaten on Good Friday in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, and India. As such, they mark the end of Lent and different parts of the hot cross bun have a certain meaning, including the cross representing the crucifixion of Jesus and the spices inside reminding Christians "of the spices put on the body of Jesus."
In many historically Christian countries, the buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday, with the cross standing as a symbol of the crucifixion.
According to food historian Elizabeth David, the buns were seen by Protestant English monarchs as a dangerous hold over of Catholic belief in England, being baked from the consecrated dough used in making the communion wafer.
Protestant England attempted to ban the sale of the buns by bakers but they were too popular, and instead Elizabeth I passed a law permitting bakeries to sell them, but only at Easter and Christmas. Nowadays, of course, they are on sale all year round.
Prayers for making of the Hot Cross buns
As you stir the mixture: Thank you Jesus that you came into the world and stirred things up so that people thought about what really mattered.
As you lay the cross on top of the bun: Thank you Jesus for coming to save us by dying on a cross and taking the punishment for the bad things I do.
As they go in the oven: Thank you that, although you were buried in a tomb, you rose three days later and you are still alive today.
As you eat a hot cross bun: Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me all I need to live a life following you. Amen.
Cx :-)
2 Apr 2019 11:48 |
Oh dear Cynthia, I do hope your days are getting a bit less hectic. I appreciate you finding time to keep the thread going. Here’s sending you a gentle, soothing hug <3
We have also had a bit of a week of it. We had the funeral of a friend, who lived a considerable distance from us, so a lot of travelling at an upsetting time and then my brother has had yet another major operation, this time in a hospital in London. He was discharged into the care of his local medical team last night so after an early lunch we are going to visit him at home - only 100 mile round trip this time.
I am not really moaning about this as I am very grateful for the skill and kindness of the doctors who have been looking after him. We do have much to be thankful for.
I have managed to look at the thread each day and at the interesting Lenten prayers. Thank you Cynthia.
2 Apr 2019 08:09 |
Good morning :-)
Thanks Emma I needed that. Life has gone into hectic mode at the moment :-D
Some countries have different traditions during Lent. On the 4th Friday of Lent, Mexicans celebrate La Samaritana where people give water, ice cream and fruit to passers-by in homage to the Samaritan woman who gave Jesus water at the well.
Lord, give me the eyes to see the true spiritual thirst in the people around me. May I see those who seek to hide from their shame in broad daylight. Give me the opportunity today to hear the spiritual thirst in a conversation and grant me the grace to engage the person in conversation about it. Grant me the patience to avoid the conversational detours. Amen.
Cx :-)
1 Apr 2019 12:11 |
Cynthia, breathe in for four ..hold breathe out for four ..hold :-D
1 Apr 2019 08:04 |
Good morning :-)
Oh heck! Missing again yesterday..... :-( My excuse is that it was an exceedingly fraught morning....honestly! :-D
Hi Emma, lovely to see you <3
God who created me, You offer me new life through your Son and through the gift of your sacraments. While I see new life all around me, I don't always recognize the new life you offer me. Help me to grow this Lent in an awareness of the gifts you place in my life and in a greater appreciation for your care. Give me the courage to ask for help. Amen.
Cx :-)
30 Mar 2019 11:58 |
Another week of wonderful prayers.
My thoughts and prayers for those who give their time to help others in need.
30 Mar 2019 07:50 |
Good morning :-)
God of Mercy and Understanding, I know that with help I can open my heart more fully to the mysteries of the suffering and death of your son. Help me to be humble in this journey and remember that any mercy and compassion I feel is a gift from you. I await the joy of Easter with new longing and patience.
Cx :-)
29 Mar 2019 07:53 |
Good morning :-)
A hymn which is often sung during Lent......meaningful words. I remember someone who found difficulty in singing the words 'Take my silver and my gold, not a mite would I withhold', with honesty.
Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love. Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King. Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose.
Take my will, and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine. Take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne. Take my love, my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store. Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for Thee.…
Cx :-)
28 Mar 2019 07:47 |
Good morning :-) ~~~~~~~~~ to Rambling. :-D
Looking for ideas for Lent, I came upon the following :
Symbols in our homes. We need to choose to let our homes be a place full of the holy things that help raise our minds and hearts to God. Our world is full of so many images that lure our minds and hearts elsewhere. Here are some symbols that will carry the ongoing meaning we give them, for us and for our families and loved ones.
Many of us may have a CROSS in our homes. If not, Lent might be a wonderful time to buy one and place it in a central place.
CANDLES are very popular, so what about a special candle in a central place in our home. Imagine praying over ‘Lord thank you for the gift of your Light in the midst of all darkness. Let this candle be a symbol of our faith in your presence among us.'
THE BIBLE. The Word is so important for us during Lent. Perhaps the prominent presence of a Bible in our home can represent for us our desire for God’s Word in our lives.
Many of us grew up in the knowledge that Lent is a time for sacrificial giving. Boxes for various good causes can be found in many homes. A BOX OR BOWL on the dining room table makes our giving very concrete and focused on solidarity with those who have so much less than ourselves.
Cx :-)