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The Change - Arrggghhh!

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Harpstrings Report 4 May 2009 16:35

Hey - have just read that Lorraine is back - Excellent!

I was sorry I missed all the lovely Sunday roasts - crispy roasters yummy, any meat will do be thanks, oh except pork, not too keen on roast pork. Strawberry and cream now you're talking! Bloomin starving now, will have to heat up the bolognaise I have done in a minute lol.

Stray hairs! Yes I have one that insists on coming back, nay I have two, forgot the one under my chin that snook in about 2 years ago. I have a very tiny mole on my chin on my right side, which insists on flourishing now and again, the other day wondered what was tickling me and realised I had not trimmed it for a while, in fact it needs it again! OH says I have a moustache - I told him nonsense! How very dare he say me, a ladieeeee, has a moustache. Just because I have very dark brown hair - nearing on black, my hair shows up, (might have to consider bleaching)! At this rate I will have more hair on my face than other places! PMSL

Right think I have caught up with all the goss. lol

Tina xx

EDIT: Helen, OH is just tooooooooooooooo boooorrrrrrrrrring to do anything interesting like that, plus he has no idea how to switch a 'puter on let alone use one. I did try and teach him, but he gave up! Will have to try again I think. Get him on games. He has this idea that he might press the wrong button and end up on a porn site or such like! I told him even if he did just quickly come back out again, but its very unlikely as my security is on high and should not get any unsavouryness popping up. Although I once googled channel 4 and just put C4 - got semtex explosives site! Quickly came off that I can tell you, never know who is watching what you are logging onto! Had visions of squad cars screeching outside the front door and men in black invading! lol :)))


Jane Report 4 May 2009 16:56

Talking Porn Tina Have you seen what you can read on Friends Re now.I think it comes under groups and then S*X.Ooooh I say.It was quite some reading,mainly from the men(why am I not surprised)LOL


Harpstrings Report 4 May 2009 17:02

NOOOO! *swoons* how shocking! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
high tails it over to FR lol>>>>>>


Harpstrings Report 4 May 2009 17:03

*Got you* lol only joking. Really Helen, I will have a look when I find time but as you say it had to be the male of the species that would get involved in that! tsk!

Tina x

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 4 May 2009 17:12

Hi Ladies, nice to see we have a full house so to speak.

Hold the front husband and I (very regal) bought a sort of blackout blind to pull down for the bedroom....about three bloody years ago! One of the windows, the front one, gets the sun shine through and even though the curtains are fairly thick it still wakes me with it's glare. Anyway, he's just informed me he may put it up later...depending what's on telly! If, and I say if, he does do it later, there's bound to be some dreadful language!! and that's just me!! so we'll see, he hasn't moved as yet....................................


Jane Report 4 May 2009 17:23

Don't hold your breath then Pam.It doesn't sound too hopeful lol

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 4 May 2009 18:00

Hi, back again..........apparantly our son has 'the drill' that he needs to put said blind up with...and he's going to pop over to collect it in a while, so tomorrow night's the night! I'll keep you posted. I don't like to rush him though!

Yes sorry to hear about dad having dememntia Fiona. I cared for my dad, but thankfully he wasn't struck with that cruel illness. So it did make it a little easier, it was his mobility with dad.

Sonny died in a ski accident didn't he AB.

Off to wax me tash, they don't call me Squadron leader for nothing!!!!!!!Back later I expect.

Pam. ☺


Jane Report 4 May 2009 18:05

That's your nickname sorted then Pam lol


Fiona Report 4 May 2009 18:39

OH phoned about 5-45, leaving Galashields after picking up no 2 daughter from her flat , a little later than planned her washing machine not working so "dad can you look at it before we go"
That means she'll be bringing a load of washing home with her AH!!!!
Any way they hope to be home about 7.15 or there after takes an hour and a half to get there so it's about a round three hour journey , making the most of the peace I have left, as when she accends, it's tele on downstairs, Dvd's on upstairs, laptop playing in bedroom , then all my shampoo is attacked and hairspray used, "can I borrow this mum ,can have this mum, my little darlings home!!!!!


Jane Report 4 May 2009 19:28

Fiona ,at least your little darling asks.My stuff just mysteriously disappears lol.
My daughter moved back home after the break up with her ex.The house they bought is lying empty and we are paying half the mortgage as her ex has paid nothing for nearly 2 years.She can't sell it before september otherwise there will be an 8 thousand pound penalty.She is way in negative equity now.I dread to think what it will go back on the market at.I think we are mugs sometimes lol


Harpstrings Report 4 May 2009 19:36

Fiona, I too am sorry to hear about your Dad, I missed reading that one, whilst glancing through the postings earlier. That is hard work, I have not had experience myself, but admire anybody that has to live with that illness, its such a sad illness I think.

Squandron Leader Tina *salutes to attention* lol We may have to compare taches pmsl!

Have to put the record straight, I dont go out to work full time, its only part time, but I do nonetheless go to work, although sometimes I do wonder how I manage it! lol

Pam, put up a sheet of newspaper - that will embarrass him into doing something. I know exactly how that is, the sun rises from the back of our house and when the clocks change will be awake at some unearthly time of the morning! I have been waiting to have my bedroom finished (its half stripped of wallpaper) for nearly 5 years now, am almost tempted to ring up that programme that finishes off rooms for peeps, with that rather good looking presenter mmmm what an idea!

AC - what a scream, do you really do that. Well, I had no idea really that certain words got looked into, although had an incline. Now what can I write about certain politicians?????? lol

Tina x


Harpstrings Report 4 May 2009 20:03

Think its about time we had another lady PM!

Tina x


Jane Report 4 May 2009 20:21

Me?I can put the world to rights.....especially after a few glasses of the white


Harpstrings Report 4 May 2009 20:23

800th posting - yeahhhhh!

Who would have thought it!

Tina xx


Jane Report 4 May 2009 20:24

Thinking about it maybe we could move into No10 as the Hot Totties.Someone would take notice of us I'm sure lol


Jane Report 4 May 2009 20:25

Only a few days before a 1.000 at this rate!!!!!!!!!!!!


Harpstrings Report 4 May 2009 20:33

Ooh yes, I can just see the headlines now

"NO. 10 has been besieged, all windows have been flung open, causing a security alert, as the "hot totties" as they are known, are a group of middle- aged post-menopausal women, who state they are right and know how to run the country better.

At the time of reporting, no man is willing to go inside until they have all cooled down! "


Tina x


Jane Report 4 May 2009 20:39

WE WOULD WIN AN ELECTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The population of England would know what is best for them lol


Jane Report 4 May 2009 21:04

Now I am in a right old strop!!!!!!!!!!.Have poked my nose round my son's bedroom door.I won't even begin to describe the mess and the empty cans ,mugs.I think red wine down a wall,not to mention the unwashed clothes etc etc etc.Thank god he goes back to uni on saturday is all I can say.
He is out at the moment ,so I am hoping I don't see him till the morning.He doesn't know what is in store for him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.I think the expression is S**t is about to hit the fan.I Will be the Iron Lady lol


Jane Report 4 May 2009 21:28

Off to bed now before I explode lol.Wait till tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet dreams everyonex